Pet owners are up against a ton of information.

Grain-inclusive or grain-free? Vegetarian or carnivore diet? Natural or unnatural? Kibble, raw, or fresh-cooked food?

What do you feed your dog and when?

Understandably, it can be really hard as a dog owner to sift through all of the noise the dog food industry has put out into the world.

When creating Molecular BioLife, we recognized two things:

  • The current dog foods on the market aren’t great. Most are filled with additives or ingredients that dogs don’t need or aren’t used to having in their diet. Brands that mimic a dog’s ancestral diet have the right idea, but they fall short with synthetic ingredients and fillers.
  • There’s a symbiotic relationship between pet and pet owner. When you provide your dog food that helps them reach peak health and performance, you’re likely to do the same for yourself. (It’s the guiding principle for every product we create, and we call it The Whole Theory. Read about it here.)

Let’s talk about what real natural dog food looks like and how Molecular BioLife takes it to the next level.

The importance of feeding your dog natural dog food

When natural dog food companies actually derive their ingredients from real holistic ingredients, there’s a healing component that goes unmatched by other forms of dog food like kibble or cooked “food” solutions.

Maintain healthy weight.

Big box dog food is often filled with additives and starches that are inexpensive to purchase and add bulk to a recipe. This includes potatoes, grains, corn, and rice. Much like in human diets, too many starches in a dog’s diet can lead to weight gain. MBI’s natural dog food company contains only organic animal proteins, fruits, vegetables, and sprouted grains.

Improve mobility and agility.

Many dog breeds depend on their diet for their active lifestyles. In people, “the carnivore genomes showed evidence of shared evolutionary adaptations in genes associated with diet, muscle strength, agility, and other traits responsible for successful hunting and meat consumption,” and the same goes for our pets.

Extend life longevity.

Our pets are only with us for so long; making the most of their life, both in quality and quantity. The higher quality ingredients found in real natural foods have the health benefits that improve most key bodily functions.

Help with skin and coat health.

Collagen and high-quality protein organ meat have both been proven to improve a dogs’ skin elasticity in addition to promoting joint health.

Why Molecular BioLife is the ultimate natural dog food company

Everything we create at MBI — from our dog food and supplements to our human food and supplements — has been created under the philosophy of The Whole Theory. It supports healthy living based on healthy diets and supportive supplementation. 

With The Whole Theory in mind, our formulations use only real organic proteins, vegetables, and fruits, and our whole foods are always cold-pressed and table-grade. You’ll never find a synthetic ingredient or artificial material in our recipes, because we know how important these qualities are in human food. If you wouldn’t feed it to yourself, we won’t feed it to your pets.

That’s a guarantee.

Buy Molecular BioLife’s natural solutions for dogs

To shop our products, see our ingredients lists, and purchase an actual natural solution for your pet, check out our selection of animal food and supplements.