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Collagen TriFlex

Collagen is essential to health. Tendons are composed of collagen, and the lungs require high collagen levels, as do bones. The elasticity of arteries and veins comes from collagen. Dermal cells make collagen, which keeps skin supple and insulates it from heat and cold. The walls of our eyes are made of collagen, and it is also in our hair and nails. Osteoporosis is caused not only by mineral deficiencies – it often reflects a lack of collagen*. Collagen degrades slowly over our lifetime, and supplementation can provide much needed support.

Collagen Tri-Flex combines an array of super collagens into a synergistic blend with all of the positive attributes of Collagen Types I, II, and III. Research demonstrates that collagen supplementation enhances immune function, optimizes digestive health, and provides cardiovascular support*. Collagen Tri-Flex contains the main structural protein found in the extracellular matrix of connective tissue – bone, cartilage, ligaments, hair and skin. Healthy collagen means healthier joints, tissues and well-being. Using Collagen Tri-Flex, MBI studies show a marked clinical response of greater exibility and comfort in a matter of just days, as well as a desirable increase in pH as the body moves from an unhealthy, acidic state to one that is more alkaline. Finally, chromatography assays show that Collagen Tri-Flex is purer than other popular mixed collagens. Collagen Tri-Flex is a safe, natural supplement, ideal for joint and mobility support*.

Products Featuring Collagen Triflex